Sunday 2 August 2020

All You Need To Know About Vape Battery Types

One of the explanations why vaping is so trendy is that it offers you plenty of cool things to get pumped about. Latest mods with all the interesting technological innovations, state-of-the-art coils, or the truly exquisite craftsman liquid — these are all items that generate enormous excitement amongst users. But, what about the batteries?

Honestly speaking, Vape Batteries in Leicester aren't getting much attention from its users. Advanced users of mechanical mods with high-powered regulatory devices could be an exception, but the average vaper is seldom interested to know what power his e-cigarette has. It is not difficult to comprehend: why? When you buy something else fuelled by the batteries, what size it takes is all you really need to know. For instance, if your TV remote requires AAA batteries to get powered, then any AAA can power it. Right? However, when it comes to vape, it’s not that simple. 
Vape Batteries - Tips & Tricks! - YouTube

Vape batteries are complex.

Vape batteries are a way more complicated than the ones used in your TV remote. Having the correct one for your equipment is crucial; getting it wrong here can seriously impact the performance, or even ruin the unit. Sadly many people don't realize the value of selecting the right batteries. 

Vape Batteries in Leicester come in two major types: 

  • Built-in/Integrated
  • Removable 

Both of them have their benefits, but each one tends to match up with different styles of vapers. 

Integrated Batteries

In an e-cigarette, the simple power source is a device that incorporates the conjunction of the battery, circuits, control, and atomizer into one module. As long as you are correctly charging the unit, there is virtually no way anything can go wrong. 

The simplistic built-in batteries are the eGo or Evod types. Those are the main elements of what is sometimes referred to as a vape pen; The batteries are around a similar dimension as that of a pen or laser pointer, having an atomizer on top. Some of these need to be recharged after removing the atomizer and winding a charging cable into the connector, but some models also come with a USB port that enables you to charge even while vaping.

Vape pen batteries are very simple to handle and perfect for new users. They have some limitations too. Some of them won't permit you to change the power level, and they have low storage capacity as well.

Removable Batteries

Removable Vape Batteries in Leicester offer you a choice that gives you the maximum versatility. If you're going out, all you have to do is put a spare set of batteries in a case and carry them along. Once you start running low on the power with no electricity source in vicinity, all you have to do is simply take out the parts that have been drained, and substitute them with the fully loaded spare battery and continue vaping. You get to experience all advanced features of a mod, without requiring being close to a charging socket— However, you'll still need to get the right ones to draw the optimum benefit.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

A Short Guide to Using the Best Vape Mod Leicester

A vape mod is a term used for referring to nay of the vaping device that does not resemble the e-cigarette. Several kinds of devices are named as vape mods. These include mini-mods, box mods, and tube mods, and much more. Buying the best vape mod in Leicester can give you the experience you were always looking for and in the safest manner.
Vape mods are considered modified cigarettes. These modified cigarettes have gained a great degree of popularity and preference among the users. The vaping industry has taken into account the things in their initial devices that were known as mech mods that emerged as favourite choices. 
These were subsequently modified to form safer devices. 
                                                 Vape, Vaporiser, Vaping, Smoke, Vapor, Vaporizer, Steam
Features of vape mods
These have a long body like a pen. However, the vape mods also have a higher thickness to accommodate larger batteries. With a larger ad bigger battery, the vape mod allows one to use the vape for a longer duration of time and have a higher amount of power. The larger battery provides for more power for higher vapour production and also enhances the flavour of the juice. The thicker diameter of the vape mod also offers several options for the vape tanks. It helps one to have a bigger vape tank that can accommodate more juice and last for a longer duration.
Benefits of vape mods and other vape devices
Using vape mod offers several advantages over other vape devices. One of them is the adjustability of the power in terms of volts or watts. Additionally, the vape mods are highly customizable. These also have a small LCD screen and a bigger battery. The best part is that the battery is removable. One can charge it separately. Using vape mods offers one with a lot of options while having a minimal amount of effort. Heavy smokers find the vape mods as highly useful options.
The vape mods offer a personal superior personal control. You can adjust the power level of the vape mods according to the taste and other requirements. It offers complete control for regulation of the performance of the vape mod.
Making the right choice
Make sure you read the reviews and read all the specifications details of the various models. One must consider the reputation of the vendor, safety considerations, process, and the build quality of the vape mod before making a choice.
Reach out to the official website of papa vapes to learn more about finding the best vape mod in Leicester for yourself. They have a range of vape mods to cater to the requirements of different users.

Monday 1 June 2020

The Top Highlights of Purchasing Vape Kits from the Top Certified Professionals

According to the Royal College of Physicians, it has been found that vaping is 95% less harmful than tobacco. This study found that clinical, toxicological, and epidemiological evidence all symbolizes that the chemicals present in nicotine e-liquid vapor are quite below the levels of chemicals that are exist in cigarette smoke. Therefore, if you want to get rid of the hazardous habit of smoking cigarettes, you can try purchasing quality Vape kits in the UK from the top certified specialists. The top certified professionals won’t merely offer you the best vape kits, but they will also guide you about how to use them in the best possible manner.

Here we are providing you some of the top benefits of purchasing vape kits from the top certified and genuine professionals:
                                 Vape Kits | Best E-Cigarette and Vaping Kits Online — UK ECIG STORE

  •  Authenticity 100% Guaranteed 

Almost every individual wants to purchase their vape from the approved suppliers to rest assure they are dealing with a genuine professional who will undoubtedly offer them the best authentic products. Therefore, when you choose the top certified and highly qualified professionals, they will offer you a 100% guarantee of their vape kits. Some of the top professionals also offer flavors for every palate so that every individual can get their desired flavors. 

  •  Free delivery 

Well. There is no benefit of getting a discount when you have to pay double the amount of discount for home deliveries. If you don’t want to waste your money by paying extra charges for delivery, it’s better to purchase your favorite vape kits from the team of top professionals. Yeah. They won’t charge you for the extra delivery. The foremost aim of such professionals is to offer their high-end products as soon as possible without burning a hole in their client’s pocket. 

  •  Money-back guarantee

Don’t worry if you are pondering what you will do if you don’t like that vape kit. While dealing with the top certified professionals, you will be able to get an opportunity to return that product and get your money back without any hassle. All you have to do is choose the top reputable dealers for purchasing the best vape kits. Unlike tobacco, these quality vapes will surely help you to get better oral hygiene, skin health, and improve the sense of your smell and taste.  

  • Wrapping Up

If you also want to purchase quality vape kits in the UK from the team of top certified professionals, you must visit With more than 4 years of expertise, these experts are offering discerning vapers with a choice of mods, devices, and juices with quality at its core. They are well-renowned for their best new flavor and top of the line device that will make you sure that you haven’t missed those small-batch creators making amazing things. 

Thursday 21 May 2020

How to Locate Shops Offering Vape Mods in the UK? Some Tips

Whether you are just a new vaper looking for a good vaping gear or are an experienced one interested in enhancing your experience with nicotine, finding the right shop is a key. If you would search on Google for the online vaping shops specializing in vape mods in the UK, you will find plenty of them and such availability will create confusion in your mind that which one to pick. 

However, choosing an online vaping shop is not like selecting any other online store; there are some considerations that you need to keep in mind. For instance, the recommended strength of nicotine in the e-liquids is different for the new and experienced vapers. Though most of the shops may have specific nicotine strengths in their e-liquids many of them give preference either to provide the best vaping material to the newcomers or to deliver specially customized vaping gear to the experienced vapers. 

Also, the type of coil, the e-liquid flavors, and other accessories vary from supplier to supplier. The first thing that you need to do is making a list of your requirements and then checking the online stores for the same. Along with the availability of the required items, the other things that you need to check are:

  • Customer reviews
The customer reviews will tell you a lot about what you will get from the store. Though the product list will do the same task, the reviews will tell you about the quality, features, goods, and bads about the products while recommending whether or not to buy the particular vaping product. 

  • The range and variety of products
All the online vaping shops offering vape mods in the UK offer a great range of vaping gear but it varies from shop to shop that whether it deals in the sale of all vaping products or offers a great variety of e-liquid flavors only. So, it depends on your requirements whether you want a one-stop-shop for your vaping needs or want to try and experience plenty of flavors, which shop would better meet your requirements. 

  • Policies regarding shipping, return and guarantees
Don't forget to check the return policies, shipping time, and the guarantees for the products. Even if you are sure that you would not return the product, you must be aware of the return policies because these things are critically important at particular times. 

  • Discounts and offers
When you have an urge to try the best vaping gear, you are less likely to look for the offers. But believe us even the small discounts will let you save a significant amount. And why not get something when you are getting it for free. 

  • Price
Unsurprisingly, the prices of the different vaping items vary from brand to brand and shop to shop. Rather than focusing on price directly, you need to focus on what you are getting for a particular amount. 

As there are plenty of online vaping shops offering vape mods in the UK you should shop around to locate the best one. And the above-given tips will definitely let you choose the one that you can trust for quality and affordability. 

Friday 11 January 2019

Tips to Keep Your E-Cig & Vape Batteries Safe to Use

The hectic lifestyle of the modern world does put pressure on the minds of people. At times, drugs seem to be the only way to relax one’s exhausted body. Tobacco smoking has been the most used drug by people from all over the world. The nicotine addiction when gets to a person’s mind of a person becomes a pretty hard thing to do away with.

E-cigarettes and the Vape Batteries have come out as the ultimate solution to the quit smoking. But the e-cigarettes and the Vape has to be kept clean to get the maximum benefit out of them, thus, the tips to keep your e-cigarette and Vape clean have to be known to every single user of these products.

 Following are a few tips that can help one keep the e-cigarette and the vape clean:-

a) Deep Cleaning: - Deep cleaning becomes a necessity when it comes to the cleaning of one’s e-cigarettes and Vape. The tar that gets stuck in the little mechanical parts of the e-cigarettes can prove to be harmful to a person if not cleaned in depth.

b) Regularity: - The products have to be cleaned on a regular basis so as to keep them ready to be used whenever a person intends to. The condition of the Vape or the e-cigarette does affect the benefits and the efficiency that one can achieve. Moreover, the products when not taken care of on a regular basis can hurt the user’s health.

c) Dissembling: - One should only clean one’s electronic smoking device after dissembling it. This would allow one to access the little parts and clean them effectively. Cotton swabs and cotton towels can help one reach the minute corners of an electronic smoking product. The tips to clean the e-cigarette can prove to be really effective once the product has been dissembled. Having considered the need and the ways to clean the e-cigarettes and Vape, it comes certain that cleanliness is a must in order to gain the maximum benefit out of the product. The quality of the product should also be preferred only of the top standards.

At Papa Vapes, the best vape products are availed to the clients and customers. Do visit the site and order the best e-cigarettes and vape products. Remember the tips to keep them clean and smoke carefree.   

Monday 18 June 2018

How can you Choose the Right Vape Batteries for your Vape Device?

The vaping industry has offered a plethora of vape devices and products for meeting the variable needs and requirements of the users. These devices seem to have similar parts and functions, but one needs to pick a device that is the most suitable for you.

Some people require vape devices for quitting smoking, others are chasing the clouds with the devices and some of us want to experience different flavours. Whatever the reason, choosing the right vape batteries for the vape devices can help you enjoy a full vaping experience!

Choosing the right battery directly ensures that you can make vaping safe and enjoyable. Read on to know all the basics about choosing the right battery in few simple steps.

One needs to analyse two of the core specifications for choosing the most suitable battery for your devices.

  • The capacity of the battery in mAh.
  • Maximum continuous discharge in Amperes.

Li-Ion batteries:

All of us have grown up using the AA or AAA batteries and we like to use duracells, energizers and other things. Similarly, for the vaping device, 18650 Li-ion is a kind of favourite type of a battery. These vape batteries apparently seem like the fortified version of AA battery.

The Li-Ion batteries are a class apart from all other kinds of batteries. The right kind of battery lets you vape just like a mini steam automotive.

How to choose the perfect vape batteries? Most of the available consumer choices in terms of batteries have their own pros and cons. However, certain factors may make the items more suitable for a particular person than another.

The needs of one user may vary from the other. Sports car lovers addicted to high speeds would preferably purchase high-speed tyres while a suburban taxi driver would like to get more mileage from the car tyres.

 The two most important factors deciding the quality of the 18650 batteries are:


This refers to the duration of time for which a battery can last. The density of a battery is measured in terms of milli-Amp hours (mAh).


This pertains to the rate of the current that the battery can deliver. We require thinking of as power as higher the amount of the current, the greater is the wattage output Ampere is the unit of measuring discharge current. Ideally, one should choose the highest mAh and the highest possible Amperage.

But, technology is still to reach this stage. So, one can either choose a high power battery having an average capacity or a high capacity battery with moderate battery power. It would mainly depend on the purpose you want to use the device for. You can know more about the right vape batteries for various devices by visiting Papa Vapes.

Monday 28 May 2018

Shop for Premium Quality Cheap E-Liquid at Wholesale Prices

The world of personalised vaporizers and electronic cigarettes requires you to look for various things. One of the main factors that one has to take into consideration is e-liquid. E-liquid or e-juice is the key component of electronic cigarettes resulting in a vapor that is equivalent of smoke. Every consumer wants to buy a good-quality cheap e-lquid suiting their preferences.

There are many types of electronic cigarette manufacturers selling cartridges and cartomizers that are prefilled with juice. However, refilling the cartridges is more pocket-friendly when they run dry. The important question about the situation is how can one decide which e-liquid should be bought. The market seems to be highly saturated with cheap e-liquids and costlier alternatives. Typically, prices lower than $1 per mL, are considered as the most favourable ones.

How to make choices for cheap e-liquid?

There are e-liquids that are comprised of four key ingredients. These include:
  • Propylene glycol(PG)
  • Vegetable glycerine(VG)
  • Nicotine
  • Flavour
Both VG and PG are approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration. This has naturally rendered e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to burners.

Most vendors employ a blend of VG and PG in the base. This helps to get a variation in the amount of cloud production and the hit produced amongst other things. The vendor should specify the ingredients and the composition of the base.

Some of the unique properties of the two base ingredients include:

Propylene glycol:

  • Does not give sweetness
  • Provides great throat hit
  • Thinner or more liquid consistency making it easier for wicking or atomising
 However, PG can result in dryness in the mouth that may irritate some of the users.

Vegetable glycerin:

  • Sweeteer and not harsh
  • Allows for greater vapor productions
 However, VG has a thicker consistency that may result in clogging of the wick.

One can easily make out that a right blend of the two ingredients can result in a perfect vape. The choice would be based on your personal preference.


If you worry the least about flavour, then nicotine content is the next thing to look for. Nicotine present in personal vaporisers is measured in milligrams. It is available in variable quantities ranging between 0 and 24 mg. Erstwhile smokers who make do with a pack a day should feel happy with 18 -24 mg nicotine vape juice.

Selecting the flavour is like a jigsaw that is difficult to love. It depends entirely upon user preferences. When you find a flavour you can enjoy for the most part of the day, you can start looking for more exotic one.

You can find premium quality and cheap e-liquid that both your pocket and your throat will love at Papa Vapes.

Battery Safety in Vaping Devices: Tips for safe handling and usage of vape batteries

Welcome, fellow vapers, to another insightful discussion brought to you by Papa Vapes ! Today, we're diving into a crucial topic: batter...